Vicky Kaushal leading Sam Bahadur is enjoying a moderate run at the box office. Whereas the film crashed with the Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal. The details about the Sam Bahadur OTT Release have appeared, while the film continues to entertain fans in theatres. Sam Bahadur is expected to arrive on OTT after the usual 8-week gap between theatrical and digital premiere. Meanwhile respecting the usual waiting window Sam Bahadur will release on OTT on Republic Day, 2024. Although the platform where the film will air has not been disclosed yet.
Sam Bahadur Starcast
Sam Bahadur, a biopic based on the life of India’s first field marshal, Sam Manekshaw. It is, however, directed by Meghna Gulzar and produced by Ronnie Screwala, under the RSVP banner. Sam Bahadur Starcast includes Fatima Sana Shaikh, Sanya Malhotra, Mohd. Zeeshan Ayyub, Edward Sonnenblick, and Zeeshan Ayyub in the important roles.
Sam Bahadur Budget
Produced by Ronnie Screwala, Sam Bahadur under the banner of RSVP movies, featuring Vicky Kaushal, Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Shaikh in main roles. Besides this directed by Meghna Gulzar, the Sam Bahadur budget reached Rs 55 crore and is anticipated to release on OTT this Republic Day.
Sam Bahadur Collection
Directed by Meghna Gulzar, Sam Bahadur, the biopic of India’s first field marshal, Sam Manekshaw, has been slowly but frequently making waves at the global box office. Although Vicky Kaushal featuring Sam Bahadur collection mark coveted Rs 100 crore worldwide.
Sam Bahadur Review
Sam Bahadur undertakes to enclose the checkered career of a decorated Army officer who represents bravery and nationalism, leaving an indelible mark in the annals of the Indian Army as a larger than life persona. Although the film only partially succeeded in capturing those moments, lacking a balanced portrayal of the adherent’s illustrious journey. Sam Bahadur Review shows that Vicky Kaushal appears as a saving grace for the film, delivering a performance that goes a long way in justifying its shortcomings.
Vicky Kaushal’s upcoming Movie
Vicky Kausal upcoming movie include The Great Indian Family, Zara Hatke Zara Bachke and Govinda naam mera. Notably, the talented actor Vicky Kaushal attracted a massive fan following across India through his amazing performance.
It’s been a week since Vicky Kaushal’s Sam Bahadur made its striking debut. While the war drama film has been successful in keeping cinephiles stick to the screen. Meanwhile, a couple of online reports suggest that it will soon be telecast on the OTT platform. As a result, according to exclusive reports, the Meghna Gulzar directorial will take at least 8 weeks to make its digital debut. Apart from this for more informative content on any movies turn to Askupdates.